Julia María Rubio, PhD

Policy Evaluation | Research | Data Analysis


Who am I?


Julia Rubio

I am a Senior Evaluation Officer at Families and Community Services Insights Analysis and Research (FACSIAR). I work providing support for the design and implementation of policy evaluations for child and family policies in NSW, including large-scale evaluations such as the Permanency Support Program (PSP) and the Targeted Early Intervention Program (TEI).

I am also part of the NSW Stronger Communities Actuary Team, where we are developing a Standardised Evaluation Analyses model and implementing the Forecasting Futures Outcomes (FFO) Model.

I hold a Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University and have more than ten years of experience conducting research for academic institutions and consulting in the private and public sectors. I have vast experience teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels and am a proud advocate for diversity, women's rights, and gender equality.

My technical skills include advanced statistical training with a focus on experimental and quasi-experimental designs. I am advanced in the use of R, an expert in survey design (and Qualtrics), and have basic training in QGIS and Python.

I am fluent in Spanish and English and can speak Italian, German and (basic) Portuguese. I love to travel and I am currently living in Sydney, Australia. So, be aware of the time difference :)


Background and expertise

Talking with Ivelisse Prats Ramirez


I have been part of research groups/centers in different countries and universities. Some of them are: Latin American Studies Program (PREAL-UCA, Argentina), Federal and Electoral Center (CEFE - UNSAM, Argentina), Subnational Parties Systems of Latin America (SISPSUB - USAL, Spain), PREAL (Columbia, USA).

I have worked as a research assistant for professors at Columbia University, Salamanca University, Universidad Católica Argentina and Universidad Nacional de San Martín.

I have done fieldwork in Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, South Africa and the Dominican Republic.

In the picture, I am interviewing Ivelisse Prats Ramirez, the first woman in Latin America who was elected president of a political party.

Graduation at the Bronx

Volunteering and academic service

I believe that social changes start with our compromise. Thus, I have been involved in many volunteer activities. Among the ones I cherish more are:

  • I was the coordinator of the Mothers' Group of St. Peter's Parrish in Surry Hills (Sydney, Australia) from 2020 to 2022.
  • I was a member of the Executive Board of the Students of Color Alliance at Columbia University from 2018 to 2020.
  • I taught English as a Second Language to immigrants in the Bronx, New York, as part of the Fil-Am Literacy Program in 2018.
  • I was an elected a Student member of the Diversity and Equity Committee of the Department of Political Science at Columbia from 2018 to 2019.

The picture shows the graduation ceremony of my English Students in December 2018. I was then (proudly) awarded the Best Teacher Award, 2018.

Columbia University


I was a Teaching Assistant for several courses at Columbia University: Latin American Politics (Fall 2015-2016), Analysis of Political Data (Spring 2016-2017), American Politics Seminar (Fall 2018) and American Urban Politics (Spring 2021).

I was a Professor of Research Seminar and Comparative Politics in the Universidad Católica Argentina from 2010 to 2015.

Mural in Villa 31

Consultancy and government

Besides my current job as a Senior Evaluation Officer for the NSW government in Australia, I have worked as a Technical Assistant for several governmental offices in Argentina.

I have also worked as an external/independent consultant for government, foundations and international organizations.




Please don't hesitate to reach out!